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I wake up daily with a heart of gratitude...

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: I was inspired to start my own wellness business because I wanted to help women discover that living a healthy lifestyle was attainable with small daily steps toward wellness. I’m motivated by women who incorporate wellness practices into their lives and begin to heal themselves and thrive because of info they’ve found through my businesses.

How do you create the life you want?: I wake up daily with a heart of gratitude and I dedicate my days to making conscious decisions to thrive no matter what is going on.

What makes you HUMAN?: I am not perfect but I strive to do my best daily.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: It is constant work. It manifests in your decision to be kind to yourself. It requires clarity of your core desired feelings.

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Deep breathing. That simple act can increase your circulation, heighten your awareness, brighten your eyesight and calm your nervous system.

Email Address: melisefrazier@icloud.com

Website: http://lovecorewellness.com

Social media handles?: @melisefrazier

